Beach bonfires are for gathering together with those close to you. They’re for enjoying warm summer nights when there seems to be a spark of magic in the air. They’re for enjoying the beginning of summer or saying goodbye to summer at the end. But beach bonfires are also a great way to celebrate exciting new things in your life or another year come and gone. Any celebration can become a beach bonfire celebration, but here are some of our favorite things to celebrate with a beach bonfire:
A New Year
In some parts of the country, the weather on January 1 is perfect for staying in and warming up from your central heating. But along 30A, the weather is still comfortable even in January. With a light jacket and a pair of jeans, you can gather around the fire pit to ring in the new year with your favorite people from the past year. Toast when the clock strikes midnight, and roast s’ mores or hot dogs in the meantime.
If you’re really honest, you never grow out of celebrating your birthday. The way you celebrate it might change over time, but it’s still nice to surround yourself with people who love you and throw a party. A beach bonfire is the kind of birthday party that kids and teenagers can enjoy and adults. The refreshments will likely change as you age, but the venue and the setting are timeless.
Did you know that there’s a National S’Mores Day? It’s August 10th. A perfect summer day to roast some s’mores over a fire pit on the beach. This is a little known national holiday and not one that you’ll likely think of often, but it is a holiday that’s perfectly suited to a beach bonfire celebration. So why not have a party to celebrate s’mores and their indulgent gooey goodness?
The End of Summer
Summer is a favorite season for many, but eventually, all good things come to an end. The end of summer is a bittersweet occasion, but it doesn’t have to be sad. You can give summer a vibrant farewell with a beach bonfire, gathering all the people who made your summer special and enjoying the final embers of summer on the beach. And don’t forget, it’s not forever. Summer will be back next year.
Of course, you don’t need a set reason for a beach bonfire. Simply wanting to sit around the fire pit with your loved ones on the beach and enjoy a relaxing summer night is enough. All you need is the right beach bonfire rental provider. Bonfires at the Beach 30A offers several beach bonfire packages to find the experience that works best for you and your party within your budget. Contact us today for more information or rent your own beach bonfire by calling (850) 308-1013.